How to make dogs face mask "Tutorial" in 10 second......|

3 years ago

Sometimes, studies and research are clearly done with the idea of furthering the knowledge of mankind. But just as every builder can’t create Buckingham Palace, so too everyone with access to a computer and a copy of Excel can’t be expected to unlock the secrets of the universe.

So it was with tongue firmly in cheek, we imagine, that pet insurance comparison website put together its report to decide which types of dog are the most beautiful to the human eye. They used as their basis the Golden Ratio, a well-respected theory in art and design which dates back to the Classical world, and which draws heavily on patterns observed in Nature.

A picture of each dog breed — 100 were considered in all — was then rated to see how closely its features adhered to the ratio.

Pic: Louise Parker

The results are… well, surprising. Seeing the rottweiler in 8th place, seven places above the

But let’s face it: the whole thing is utter nonsense, and simply a bit of fun, presumably designed to get rival owners’ chins wagging as fast as their pets’ tails.

And in any case, looks aren’t everything — if you’re looking to get a dog, it needs to fit in with your lifestyle rather than your desire for attractive dog-and-owner selfies. Our article on how to choose the perfect dog can help you decide what would work best for you and your family.

With that caveat taken care of, here are the top 20 cutest dog breeds according to the report:

1. Dalmatian
Adherence to golden ratio: 67.03%

2. Irish Water Spaniel

3. Wire Fox Terrier

4. Labrador

5. Basset Hound

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