Clinton campaign lawyers paid tech company to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower & Spy on the POTUS

2 years ago

Newsmax REPORT: Clinton campaign lawyers paid tech company to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower.

Richard Grenell reacts to bombshell report:

"Durham has filed in court and in his filings he makes it clear that this internet company was spying on Donald Trump as President...

Hillary Clinton's election campaign paid money to a tech firm to 'infiltrate' servers that were at Trump Tower, and later the White House.

"Durham explains that at Sussman's trial, the government will prove how Joffe was able to see what websites were being viewed on computers at Trump Tower, Trump's Central Park West apartment and at the White House."

This internet company can't break into the White House computers on their own.

They had to have had help from inside the U.S. government."

Maria Bartiromo, Fox News On Hillary Clinton Spying On President Trump

"When specifically did the FBI start working with the Clinton campaign? That is what we need to know now because we know that Hillary Clinton made the whole thing up, but how is it possible that her people were able to infiltrate the POTUS server, as well as his home, as well as a healthcare company?

This 'tech-executive 1' apparently had government contracts that enabled him to get this information and get this access to these servers so much so that it went right to the POTUS...

This is the biggest scandal we have ever seen. Now, we know for sure they tried to cheat in the 2016 election, they tried to cheat in the 2020 election."
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