Delicious Jasmine Rice W Vegetable MINI “Dash Rise” Rice Cooker For Two Or More❤️

3 years ago

2-3 meal servings or more servings as a side dish (makes 21/3 cups cooked rice and vegetables).

Add to pot:
1/2 dry measure cup Ralston Family Farms Jasmine Rice (or favorite Jasmine Rice) and 3/4 dry cup of water.
Tblspn “Light Tasting” olive oil.
Tblspn dried (or fresh) parsley flakes.
8 chopped garlic cloves.
Salt Pepper to taste.
11/2 cup chopped broccoli.

Mix well to moisten all ingredients.
Pack down ingredients gently and put the lid on.
Make sure rice grains are not left on sides of pot.
Turn cooker on.
Set your timer for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes of cooking, remove little lid to a towel or other safe surface and stir rice quickly, and get the garlic pieces from the bottom, up.
Press ingredients down gently, clear pot’s sides of any rice; a wooden rice spoon comes is handy for scooping and scraping.
Return lid quickly and continue to cook covered for 5 more minutes.
Turn off cooker and unplug.
Let rice stand covered for 5 more minutes before fluffing, mixing and serving.
Fluff golden garlic pieces up from bottom of pot with a fork or rice spoon.
If you like you can add butter, sauce, gravy or enjoy as is. Try rice with other vegetables.

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