How To Handle Any Challenge

3 years ago

All right.

Doing a mobile update today. This is, after all, the mobile command center.

I don't know how the audio is going to work out. I've got it recording through the Bluetooth.

I know a lot of people are a little freaky about doing a video while you're driving but I am not. I'm hands free.

See? Both hands on the wheel. No big deal. So I'm perfectly safe.

Lately I've been talking about getting things done, planning ahead, rolling with changes and so on.

Well, it makes it a lot easier to adapt to changes when you've got a plan and you've got everything set up.

The reason I bring this up is we got probably four to six inches of snow in the Reno-Sparks area last night. And I've been talking with Rockit for at least a good month and a half, (okay, three to five weeks) about getting a shovel. Cause I don't know how much it's going to snow.

We're living in a different area now and well, I didn't make sure that it got done and she didn't make sure that it got done.

So we got all that snow and I plowed my driveway with a dust pan. Which is now probably a snow pan because it's moved far more snow than dirt. Which is cool.

It took a little bit longer than it might've, but it wasn't as awful as it might sound. It's like a three car driveway or whatever. So anyway, there's that.

Then with the snow being all over the road and everything, Rockit wasn't sure she wanted to come down and take the car back. So it turned out I was going to leave the car where I pick up my truck.

Well, it turns out that we have not taken steps to get a replacement for our extra key that I've been talking about.

I know that's been a good couple of months. Anyway, that's what my brain is telling me.

So once again, it's in the same situation, two the things that did not happen that we planned for, but did not ensure, and it caused what could have been a much bigger hassle than it ever needed to be.

So even without the shovel, there was the key. Now we were talking about something else. Oh, windshield washer for the truck. I just filled it up. So this one, it's in that stage where it's not critical yet, so we've got time to get it. It's just one of one of those things.

But this is why you make a plan. Cause your plan will not ever go exactly as you think.

But if you take the steps before hand to make sure that you've got things to take care of contingencies which could come up, then you're good to go.

I told Rockit, she goes down to Lowe's or Walmart or whatever today. I bet she'll find out that they have a very small selection of shovels, because everybody else who knew they needed a shovel and didn't get one, it's going to go out and buy one today.

So there it is.

Look ahead and get the stuff you need beforehand and that way you won't be caught behind the power curve like I was this morning.

That's all I got for right now. I hope you're having a fantastic day wherever you are.

I'm out.

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