Are You Being Killed By The Beast Mans Agenda?

2 years ago


Bringing the planned depopulation strategy to Aussies orchestrated and scheduled to the beast man numbers leading up to his reelection.


Georgia Guidestones, Sinister Sites. Website Vigilant Citizen.

You cant stop it. (Bible End Time Prophecy.)

But you can sure wake up to it and get Victory over all this evil.

We are ALL warned in the King James Bible that these days would come.

Now is the day of Salvation. The Valley of decision is TODAY.

Choose today whom you shall serve. God of the KJB. Or: The Flesh, and Satan.

Barack Hussein Obama born August 4th 1961. (8.4.61)
The 216th Day of the Year = 6x6x6 = 216.

Wikipedia number 216.
King James Bible Revelation chapter 13 14 15.

Movie Pi Faith In Chaos. 1998
Movie Knowing. 2009

21st February 2021
84 Year old Jane and Scott Morrison get their first shot of Pfizer.

+ 21 Weeks 6 Days (216)

= 23rd July 2021
TGA Provisionally approves Pfizer Covid Vaccine for 12 - 15 Year old's in Australia.

+ 6 Weeks 1 Day (61)

= 4th September 2021 TGA Provisionally approves Moderna Covid Vaccine for 12 - 17 Year old's in Australia.

21st February 2021
84 Year old Jane and Scott Morrison receive first jabs. Pfizer.

+ 8 Months 4 Days (84)

= 26th October 2021
TGA announces approval of Pfizer for booster shot 18+

+ 6 Weeks 1 Day (61)

= 8th December 2021
TGA announces approval of Moderna for Booster shot 18+

21st February 2021
84 Year Old Jane and Scott Morrison get 1st Pfizer Shot.

+ 8 Months 4 Days (84)

= 26th October 2021
TGA announces approval of Pfizer for booster 18+

+ 2 Months 16 Days (216)

= 10th January 2022
TGA starts 5 - 11 year old Pfizer shots across Australia.

Scott Morrison and 84 Year old Jane get 2nd shot Pfizer.
14th March 2021

+ 8 Months 4 Days (84)

= 84 Year old Jane and Scott Morrison get 3rd Pfizer shot. (Booster)
NSW New Covid Cases (216) all on November 19th 2021

(At that time the advice was that it was to be no longer than 6 Months between 2nd and third jab (Booster) which has now been shortened to 3 months.

EIGHT MONTHS 4 DAYS???????????????????????????????????????????

WT Heck? The Number of His Name.

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