"The reward of grace, a pure gift" Septuagesima 2022

3 years ago

It's a demonic distortion to try to flatten the incredible God-given diversity and order of the world or the church. And to try to force an equal outcome on this world is to try to turn it into a flat, dull, and ugly place, a Christ-less “heaven” where you’ll own nothing and never be happy.

And yet, Jesus says that our reward can be great in heaven. The fathers used to speak of this reward as the reward of grace, a pure gift since it is just as unearned and undeserved as the whole day's pay that the laborers in the vineyard received, even though they had only worked an hour.

Join the congregation of St. John in prayer each day and for Divine Service, each Sunday at 9:30 am, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, and on festival days, where God serves us with His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation.

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