Christians in Babylon - Health Care and Life in Christ

2 years ago

Panel Discussion on challenges facing Christians regarding health care, hosted by the Geneva Institute of Christian Thought.

Symposium notes (courtesy of Beth Walker):
Christians in Babylon symposium: Healthcare
February 10, 2022

1. In general, adults should be considered competent to make their own healthcare decisions.
2. Isolation of the sick and dying is wrong.
a. We need the support of our loved ones.
b. We need our loved ones to advocate for us.
c. It suppresses the gospel.
3. It is more important how we live than how long we live.
a. because Christians have hope in the resurrection
b. because to die is to be with Christ.
c. An emphasis on length of life makes an idol of longevity.

Sometimes we avoid discussion to avoid controversy, but we need to talk about these issues. Use the principles of Romans 14 to discuss well. Accept the weak, realizing in humility that you are the weak one sometimes and in some areas. Don’t be contemptuous.

The law of liberty is the liberty God has designed for individuals, not a license for governments to do whatever they can. Civil government has a limited work; it is not allowed to do whatever is not specifically prohibited, as some people claim.
Do to others as you would have others do to you, not as the society and the government are pushing you to do.

Stand on the founding documents when confronting the civil government. Keep pointing back to the constitution and Declaration of Independence, etc. when the governors stray from them.
Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness
Life is a gift from God who made us in His image. Don’t participate in lies, like calling abortion “healthcare.”
Liberty includes liberty of conscience to make health decisions.
Pursuit of Happiness was mainly thought of as the right to private property. Stand on the right to use one’s time and talents to obey God.
The Bill of Rights did not and does not create rights. Rights are given by God, and governments are to recognize and protect them. The first amendment declares that the government will not establish a religion. This right is more than the ability to gather for worship. Religion affects and directs all aspects of our lives.

Executive orders are an attempt by the executive to make law, but that is the duty and privilege of the legislature. We need to resist these overreaches and call on the legislature to do their job, which will be a slower process, but slow is better. We need to be patient and not anxious.
Recommended book: The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate.

The family has jurisdiction in feeding, clothing, sheltering, educating and providing healthcare for its members. Take responsibility for your own and don’t cede it to the government.
Recommended book: Institutes of Biblical Law by Rushdoony

Civil government is not meant to be a regulator, it is a prosecutor. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the health departments are examples of overreach.

Diagnosing the current situation:
1. Stand on a Christian worldview.
2. Follow proper lines of authority and jurisdiction.
3. Wisely apply God’s law.

There is no neutrality between worldviews, and the current dominant one is atheistic materialism.

Satan’s tools:
1. deception
2. seduction (makes it look appealing)
3. coercion
Watch for these and resist.

The answer to our current problems is not wholly political, not just electing good people. It needs to come from the bottom up through educating children, training adults in our churches, and standing together.

One way to reduce the hold government has on the system is to use private credentialing rather than government licensure. We can persuade our legislators to move in this direction (removing licensing requirements.) We can refuse to participate in the system.

Two things that help to put the healthcare decisions back into the hands of families and individuals are transparency of pricing and a direct pay system (no insurance company standing between the doctor and patient.) Transparency lines up with the Biblical requirement of true weights and measures. Direct patient responsibility for payment reduces theft because it makes the patient care that the payment is appropriate to the service rendered, instead of exorbitant.

The church’s responsibilities:
1. Teach proper jurisdictions, authorities and responsibilities of family, church and state.
2. Teach as a general principle that health is a blessing of obedience.
3. Pray.
4. Teach the expectation of suffering for Christ and the comfort of his presence.
5. Teach the difference between legal permission and moral permission.
6. Teach the sure victory of Christ.
7. Help each member find his/her place in the kingdom so the church will be built up and strong to face the challenges.

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