New York City Hall Rally Against Vaccine Mandates - Full Event

2 years ago

On February 7, 2022, anti-vaccine-mandate protesters marched from downtown Brooklyn, near the New York Fire Department headquarters, across the Brooklyn Bridge, to a rally in front of City Hall in Manhattan. They carried a large American flag across the bridge, along with a Canadian flag showing solidarity with Canadian truckers protesting vaccine mandates.

The protest took place ahead of a Friday, February 11 deadline for compliance with the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for many municipal workers. Bravest for Choice, one of the groups participating, includes fire fighters and other city workers who faced termination from their jobs if they did not comply with the mandate by February 11. On that date, NYC Mayor Eric Adams announced that he would be finalizing the list of workers to be terminated over the weekend.

This video of the rally at City Hall was originally a YouTube livestream. YouTube later removed the video and issued a strike against the NYC for Yourself YouTube channel for violating their Community Guidelines with regard to medical misinformation. We’re pleased to be able to bring you this video of a public event in New York City on Rumble.

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