Making a Video With Pitivi Vokoscreen and Other Free and or Open Source Software in Linux Mint

3 years ago

In this video I expose` some of the Free and or Open Source Software I use to make and render a video.
Hopefully to inspire you toward making your own content to share and inspire others.

Currently I use Linux Mint Mate but am considering switching to Manjaro KDE once I can get my 'ishposting workstation funded and built.

For Capture I use Vokoscreen for both desktop and webcam capture.
For Video Edits mostly clip cut and paste, I've been using Pitivi it's simple and intuitive my only problem I ever have with it, is it prefers to default and work with it's own project files and file extensions.
####When it opens just close all that projects and whatnot stuff out and drag and drop it to the upper left.
####Once cut and pasted and spliced up the buttons for that are on the right toolbar.
####Hit the render button to pick your file formats and whatnot as well as your destination folder, if you hit save ONCE AGAIN it'll try and default back to it's own projects and extensions.

###############Pay attention to what you name stuff and where it gets saved to, if you have to you can adjust your file browser windows and organize stuff alphabetically or date modified (yeah you click those boxes at the top) it reorganizes your stuff for you.

I'm prattling on I'll list some of the Picture and Photo editors I use in the comments.

Thank you for watching, take care & I wish you well.
Leave me a comment if you have any questions, I also posted a granted it's (post facto) but I put up a video to just chit chat and talk

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