Ten Commandments of The Elite

3 years ago

It's amazing how the global elite publish entire books describing their evil plans to destroy America, and to enslave humanity under the jackboot of a one-world Technocratic government which will be controlled by and for their own benefit. Yet, they've been doing so for more than 100 years now.
Literally, thousands of books have been written on the subject by these psychopaths. They actually hide their screed in plain site, knowing full-well the average Joe will never read it.
While all that may be true, it's still all a matter of public record. So, years from now, when you look back in regret, saying to yourself "I wish I had known," there will be videos like this one to remind you that you could have known if you had really wanted to know... the global elite's evil plans to destroy you, your family, and what little remains of your society.

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