The Condor Power Animal

2 years ago

There are 2 species of condors, the Andean in the south and Californian on the north. Condors are scavenger birds that hunt for carcasses. They are the world’s largest flying bird and can soar to great heights. They have excellent sight and smell and live for from 60 to 70 years. Condors travel almost 100 miles a day as they survey for dead animals. They use their intuition as a compass as to where to go next.

Loyal and faithful to their mates, condors are also protective parents to their offspring. They make the best of unpleasant situations and are patient and determined to clean it up. They are adaptable, creative, and know how to rise above adversities. Condors are resourceful and environmentally conscious. They not only keep themselves clean but are one of the great recyclers of life.

The quiet condor is usually misunderstood because of their unique abilities and unusual appearance. They are a symbol for death, renewal, honesty, and purification. Call on the spirit of the condor when you need a higher viewpoint. Visit our website for a free power animal reading and to connect with your power animal.

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