Biden Shrugged - Inflation, wage, and price controls coming fast. What to do and how to win.

2 years ago

Today we are joined by the host of the survival financial network and former attorney Kerry Lutz. Kerry is financial expert and we dive deep into today's economy, what the government is doing, and what's ahead for you and your money. Wage and price controls? Inflation or hyper inflation? Ever read Ayn Rand? We might as well write a new version: Biden Shrugged.

Financial Survival Network -

Guest Bio:
Kerry Lutz is the founder of the Financial Survival Network ®

Phone: 914-214-4448

Kerry Lutz has been a student of Austrian Economics since 1977. While attending Pace University, he stumbled upon an extensive cache of Austrian Economic Literature in a dark, musty, abandoned section of the school’s library. After graduating from The New York Law School, he became an attorney and life long serial entrepreneur. His diverse career has included: running a legal printing company, practicing commercial law and litigation and founding a successful distressed asset investment company.

After the 2008 financial collapse and the continued global economic deterioration, Kerry realized people needed a reliable source for accurate information. Believing that inflation would eventually run rampant, he dedicated himself to helping people protect and preserve their wealth. He urged investors to re-balance their investment portfolios and to implement precious metals based strategies to adapt to the new economic order. The ability to perceive economic reality, as well as to separate truth from governmental inspired economic fantasy will be essential for economic survival and prosperity in the years ahead.

In 2010, Kerry gave up most of his other interests to pursue his long held desire of becoming a radio show host. Thus the Financial Survival Network was born. Its mission is helping you to prosper and thrive in the New Economy. He has done hundreds of interviews with such financial luminaries as Peter Schiff, Harry S. Dent, Martin Armstrong, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber and Peter Grandich. He continually releases new segments and interviews on iTunes and YouTube. His new Triple Lutz Report was an instant hit and continues to increase audience share. As he says, “The Financial Survival Network, It’s All About What’s Next!“

* I am not a financial advisor. All opinions are that of the host and guest. Please consult a trusted advisor for financial advice according to your specific situation and goals.

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