How WEC Violated The Wisconsin Election Law

3 years ago

Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections
on February 9, 2022 held an information hearing on WEC Database. Special quest Peter Bernegger data analyst explained how the Wisconsin Election Commission violated multiple laws.

Illegal Acts by The Wisconsin Election Commission

1 WEC told clerks to stop counting ballots the night of the election.
2. WEC fail to issue mandatory rules on how to train special voting deputies.
3. WEC told clerks they should begin opening and counting absentee ballots days before November 3rd.
4. WEC declare drop boxes were legal.
5. WEC fail to include current state law in its administrative rules.
6. WEC violated state law by not reporting the error rate.
7. WEC declared clerks can cure ballots.
8. WEC encouraged the voting abuse of indefinitely confined.
9. WEC approved voting machine vendors to wipe system logs clean.
10. WEC permitted 46,000 voters to cast a ballot knowing the DMV did not verify them.

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