Resisting the pressure of the ritual holidays and setting boundaries with the archonic postal system

3 years ago

Here I address briefly nostlagia programming, food programming and forms of cording happening around the ritual holidays, a moment when we are bombarded with temptations. It's important and vital to keep on uncording, not giving as much consent as we did in the past as these engineered gathering propositions are there to completely interfere with our natural rythm. It's also best to stay away from maconic companies (coffee, fast-food, supplements), to refuse food proposed in churches and supermarkets and to stay away from signing petitions and accepting cookies online.

Protesting in the streets is another form of trap of agreement and the false hope generated from the ones cheering up for protests happening worlwide is just another harvest since these protests acknowledge governements and are a pure reaction against the apparent authority that they want to make us feel like they have. While we are doing that we are not creating our own reality. I also reflect how postmen are used to gangstalk, harass us and trespass our boundaries and how it is necessary to repeat firm and firmer boundaries with them. When do we feel obligated to do certain things? Let's not forget that, every day, we are interacting with the simulation.

This is an extract from the course Reclaiming your celestial heritage, deprogram from food propaganda and train in reading energy signatures from the simulation, now available (12 hours of content).

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