Reclaim your celestial heritage, deprogram from food propaganda & train in reading signatures

3 years ago

6 modules – methods and protocols to reclaim your health and uncord from dark groups

I combine the very best of what I have learned and experimented in terms of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual healing. This course is an opportunity to declutter our belongings, affiliations and associations and to nurture our vitality and eternal spark. Many of us keep on being called to take radical means in order to help our bodies emerge from their lymphatic stagnation and in order to revive our systems. No matter what is the strenght of our constitution, a great personal hygiene will do a great deal of difference. The container is intended to be held in the highest interest of participants, for them to walk many steps closer to their uncorrupted original energy signature. It is an energetic caldron of inner transformation, in order for the participants to be able to keep on burning, processing and stepping over the psychic, psychological, emotional and spiritual fences of entrapment that are in the way for them to manifest a life that is in alignment with who they are.

Understanding our bodies

My journey with food and my favourite recipes (liquid, mucusfree and mucuslean options)
A way of eating that does not create obstruction and residue, based on our biological physiology
What about uric acid or sulfur ?
How to contact our lymph system and what is its function ?
The benefits of consuming our food in its liquid state
Revision of iridology cases

Healing the body

Healing with nature’s gifts and remedies made with the vibration of trees
The wonders of fruits, vegetables and herbs
Teeth care and dental powder recipe
Working with Bach Flowers and essential oils and how their frequencies affect us
Which herbal support during and after detox
Which ayurvedic herbs and plant-based supplements to work with ?
How to naturally work on eliminating kidney stones ?

Deprogramming from food propaganda

The frequency of raw versus cooked and the importance of raw living foods
The stages of cellular deterioration
How does food influence each second of our lives ; the frequency signature of food
The inverted discourse around food, nutrition and detoxification ; why the fear-mongering ?
Important questions around food programming
Choosing the right kinds of probiotics and why we need to avoid specific strands
Why people are deceived to believe they do better on a keto diet ?
Reviewing psychological and deceitful controlled opposition operations linked to nutrition and the food scene
Our food is most of the times poisoned and cursed, how to recognize if it is the case ?
Mind control leading to the degrading of our health

Deprogramming from mind control and the inversion

A look at programming linked to time management and in case of emergency programming
Understanding survival programming and envy programming
Traps of agreements and unconscious contracts
Psychological operations and toxicity of our everyday life
How SIM geobiologists answering the orders from dark factions are used negatively to install harmful portals that do not serve us within the very core of our homes

Training in reading frequency signatures

Reviewing the frequency signature of about 100 public characters of the detox, environmentalist scene and health or beauty practitioners
Mind control and harvesting in the yoga scene (specific cases of handlers and gurus), signs of programming in the yoga scene, the problematic around the use of certain mantras and new age bands or kirtan events
Training in reading the signature of the simulation all around us and uncording from the simulation in our families
Recognizing simulation aspects on the internet and limiting the distraction and negativity in our lives

How to ?

Unplugging from a toxic use of technology and protecting our health from harmful frequencies
Detoxing heavy metals
Candida protocol and biofilm busters
How to change our habits and our emotional ways of eating ?
How to navigate the inverted discourse around food and nutrition ?
Processing the different forms of clutter in our lives
Resources that are bearable with my current discernment

Decluttering all levels of our life to find the essential space within

Working on food programming has been making a massive difference in my life. Alongside with relationship programming, resisting propositions from the matrix has been helping me to create space in my life. This course is about creating space inside the constrictions and the compressions. Join me for an upgrade and a training in reading frequency signature.

Thank you for visiting

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