Porsche Cayenne | Chasing Perfection via Correcting & Coating | This Blue Porsche IS BEAUTIFUL

2 years ago

#Detailing #Toyota #Camry
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This car's paint was amazing. You'd never know how nice a Porsche Cayenne is, until you've been up and close with one. I've always seen these vehicles as the most boring of Porsches, but in reality, ITS REALLY REALLY NICE. The paint was absolutely STUNNG once I got to the refining side of things. I believe the name of the paint was Marine Blue Metallic. An astounding color. Pure dark blue, with a lot of metallic additive, along with
an insane purple hue to it, just stunning.

This was a LONG Detail, so with that in mind, I tried to make the video a continuous, forward moving, and engaging one. Believe it or not, I filled up 8 or so 120gb SD Cards with this entire detail. A LOT OF FOOTAGE!

With this Porsche, I was handed they keys and told to "Chase Perfection" and thats what we did our best to achieve. Using Sonax CutMax matches with some cutting pads did a great job. Did a LOT of chasing with the micro polisher and a 1 inch pad as well. Then followed up with my favorite combination of Sonax Perfect Finish + a Yellow Rupes Pad.

When it comes to cutting to perfection, it can get quite difficult because no car "perfect" For example, this car's paint has some years on it, therefore, theres no way to gain perfection. BUT, what we can do is chase perfection with what we have. Therefore, with all of the scratches, swirling, and marring being cut out, I'd say with the rock chips, etc, the paint is at a solid 94-96% corrected. Match that with some of Gtechniq's Crystal Serum Light + EXO V4, just astonishing. Overall, it was an amazingly fun time, and I hope you all enjoy watching me do this Porsche, as much as I physically enjoyed doing it.

AND Thats it! Thank you guys so much for watching this week! LEAVE A LIKE if you enjoyed the video, that would help me out a lot! And if you like content involving Cars, go ahead and press Subscribe! I will see you guys Next Week with another Video!


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Adam's Car Shampoo
Chemical Guys Mr. Pink
P&S Break Buster
Detailing Brushes
Wheel Detailing Brushes
Maxshine Ever-So-Soft Detailing Brushes
Super Degreaser
Meguiar's All Purpose Cleaner
Turtle Wax Seal & Shine Sealant
P&S BeadMaker
Deep Wheel Brush
Tire Brush
Griot's Garage Clay Media
Clay Lubricant
Maxshine M8S Dual Action Polisher

Drying Towel(s):
- TheRagCompany Waffle Weave
- Plush, 1200gsm Drying Towel

Pressure Washer Gun + PF22.2 Foam Cannon
Foam Cannon for Wheel Soap
Hand Pump Foam Sprayer
Pressure Washer I Use
CarPro IronX
NanoSkin Iron Free
Adam's Iron Remover
Adam's Undercarriage Spray
Chemical Guys VRP
Adam's VRT
Sonax Perfect Finish
Meguiar's Hyper Dressing
Meguiar's Correction Compound
Meguiar's Microfiber Cutting Pads
Meguiar's Microfiber Finishing Pads

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