Part 3 of 3 in this updated status of our Homesteads. How to handle the Leach Field scenario.

3 years ago

Here is the conclusion of our discovery to resolve the issues set before us here at Fruits& Berries.

It's been several months now that we have had to decide what to do with fruit trees being planted so close to the Leach Field at the back of our property. In this last segment of discussion, I share our intent to remedy the situation even though we are advised the trees would be okay to stay where they are currently planted. We shall see...

I also touch on future possible land ownership here in this video.

But what is so exciting is our stepping into Quail raising for meat and eggs. In our intro to this video, you can see that I am in the process of yesterday and today building a Brooder and a grow out cage for the future baby Quails that we will be hatching out.

Thanks for watching here. Thanks for subscribing and thanks for being apart of our family as we move into 2022. God Bless..Wayne and Aida

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