God's Upcoming Reversal! Revival is Coming!

2 years ago

At the beginning of this video my accuser brought the accusation that what I have been projecting seems contrary to what the church has been teaching on end time prophecy for years. No doubt, many who have been stuck on particular biblical interpretations of what they believe will happen in the end days will label me as a false teacher.

However, I argue in this video that Biblical prophesies have often been misunderstood by those who sought to create prophetic timelines of what exactly would occur.

If anyone took the prophetic words before Jesus came to the earth and attempted to describe the chronology of the Messiah’s life, no one would have guessed that it would have occurred the way that it did with 2 separate appearances with more than a 2,000-year gap in between.

Those who would have dogmatically held their interpretation in Jesus’ day would have missed him…

So, what if the prophetic words given were never meant to be a completely understood timeline available to the faithful years before they occurred, but rather were meant to be understood in the day that the prophetic word was fulfilled?

When the day of Pentecost occurred, the disciples didn’t know in advance what would occur, but when the Holy Spirit came upon them, they were aware of the scriptures and were able to say that “this is the fulfillment of this scripture…”

I personally love Biblical prophecies of what is yet to occur in the future, but I must caution everyone to not hold too tightly to your personal interpretation of how you think everything will play out.

Read and know the scriptures, but also keep your eye out on what is going on in the world and where the Holy Spirit is moving.

The spiritual leaders who discerned Jesus as their messiah in his day were those who were attentive to God’s spirit. Those who missed him, were those who were so focused on what God “does not do,” which permitted them to continue to hold onto their dogmatic perspectives while missing the Messiah who stood before them.

So for those of you, who have a hard time believing that a massive revival could occur, I encourage you to reconsider what you thought you knew to be true and “scriptural.”

Ironically, the misinterpretation of certain prophesies in Jesus’ day is what emboldened Satan to kill Jesus, not realizing that it was a trap for Satan’s own downfall and a massive victory for Jesus.

In fact, as I point out in this video, Jesus himself fed into their wrong interpretation. Had Satan only known what Jesus would have accomplished at the cross Satan would never have attempted to kill him!

Similarly, I believe that the misinterpretations of end time prophecy today has yet again emboldened Satan, causing him to push for a global government that he believes that he will be able to rule over, not realizing that the agenda that he has had for many years may be exposed and lead to a massive revival!

I could be right, or I could be wrong. I’m certainly open to the idea that I may be wrong, but in the meantime, I’m looking for the movement of the Holy Spirit, to see what God may do upon the earth in our time.

A great resource that I encourage people to read is Jonathan Edwards’ document called “The Distinguishing Marks of the Work of the Spirit of God,” as he does a great job pointing out the things that God does that Satan would never do. I disagree with his belief in cessationism, but all his other points are very solid.

Click here for a pdf of his writing: https://www.onthewing.org/user/Edwards%20-%20Distinguishing%20Marks%20of%20the%20Spirit.pdf

As I consider the prophetic words of Kim Clement and see certain things transpiring in our nation and around the world today, it seems clear to me that we may very well be living in a time of the great harvest (revival) which was foreshadowed in God’s Biblical feasts and holidays as described in the Old Testament.

Click here to see my video on where all this is going based on the prophetic words of Kim Clement and described in Ezekiel 38-39:

Click here to watch my video on the reconstruction that I reference towards the end of this video: https://rumble.com/v2fv32g-reimagining-tomorrow-blueprints-for-trumps-freedom-cities.html

Click here to see the other videos on my channel: https://rumble.com/user/YouthExtreme360

Description written Feb. 26, 2024

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