3 years ago

Mike teaches today. 11/20/21


Isaiah 61:2; Acts 28:28; 1st Corinthians 1:22; Matthew 10:5-8



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John the Apostle’s main focus in his account of Jesus the Christ is to declare the Deity of Jesus as the Son of God, Messiah King of Israel, and Lamb of God. And that He had revealed Himself and His Glory and testified to these things by supernatural ‘Signs’ to Israel as the incarnate Son of man. In his gospel, God’s determinate will is revealed, which was to restore the Nation of Israel to lost Glory through Him in the inheritance of the Kingdom of heavens; which was an advance on the Kingdom of Earth. The thrust of John’s gospel account was to persuade Jews to accept Jesus and draw nigh, and receive Him as their King. Not only with repentance, but with deeds of worthiness by the power of the Holy Spirit. Moving beyond mere justifying faith and walking in sanctifying faith (as did Abraham) is necessary to have a part in the Kingdom of heavens. This was the overall theme of the 4 Gospels and the Book of Acts.

This account of Jesus, penned by John, one of His favored Disciples, was structured in such a way that would appeal to the post-crucifixion Nation of Israel. Its purpose was to cause them to believe and turn to Jesus and thus allow them to receive the fullness of His Atonement with the power of the Holy Spirit, so as to grant them their full inheritance according to the promises God was to give to Abraham and his seed. All the while now (which is to say; in the post Crucifixion re-offer of the Kingdom of the heavens to the Leaders and Nation of Israel and before their continued stubbornness which finally leads to God closing the door to Israel as a Nation from ruling from the Kingdom of heavens, as seen in Acts 28:28. This door being closed by Paul about 30 years after Christ’s Crucifixion) the Gospel of Adoption to the Gentiles is held forth; in that He is indeed the Messiah, King of Israel, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Lamb of God, and “…the Christ, the Savior of the World.” It is in this last mentioned inclusive Title of Savior of the WORLD that He presents Himself to the Samaritans and is recognized and received by them. (Verses 10-15 with Verses 39-42) Jesus tells the Samaritan woman at the well that she and her Nation had no place among the Jews in the then passing Dispensation of the Law of Moses. (Verse 22) Her vain presumption of Jacob being the Samaritans’ ‘father’ and their having an inheritance from him had to do with their sketchy limited knowledge of the Old Testament. Their prejudice acquired by believing that only the 5 Books of Moses were inspired by God. But Christ’s appearance and His Ministry to them opened the way unto the inheritance through a well’s inheritance, not giving forth an earthly water for those ever dying, but heavenly living water for those ever living. And that through the saving grace Dispensation of the Father’s World-wide search for true worshipers, just then emerging, which held forth promise of invitation and acceptance (Verses 23-24) whether they were Jews, as some of them proposed or were Gentiles as others supposed made no difference. The economy of the One New Man emerges at the well, for Samaritans were highly typical of the One New Man. Let the Worldly boast in their fleshly parentage; ours is of our Heavenly Father’s parentage where there is neither Jew nor Gentile! All these things can be seen in this Portion.

Verses 1&2 This newly introduced Water Baptism begun by John was to show the heart and desire of the Jewish disciple to enter the Kingdom of heavens’ glory and to surrender the hope of sanctification unto holiness under the Old Covenant Law of Moses. This was joined and continued by Jesus. Although He did not Himself immerse others in water. For it was effectively into His Name as the Messiah the Son of God they were being baptized into, by way of revelation of understanding in the necessity of repentance unto forgiveness of sins for being wayward redeemed children of God. (Acts 2:38) Also, Christ did not Himself Water Immerse because Christ’s Ministry was to be an advancement on the old economy of Water Baptism, as He was He Who would be the Baptizer of the Holy Spirit and Fire. Without Whose further Work of sanctification unto holiness on the their corporate or individual soul there would be no personal or corporate realization of inheritance (in neither the Kingdom of the earth or) in the further and greater glory of the Kingdom heavens. Upon the rejection of Jesus as Messiah King of Israel by the Leaders of Israel who sat in Moses’ Seat of authority, they thereby also rejected that....


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