“Which is More True?” | Jordan Peterson On Subjective and Objective Truth

3 years ago

This audio is from a Jordan Peterson Lecture where he discusses the Subjective Experience and the Objective Experience. He says that if you ignore the dichotomy of Subjectivity vs Objectivity, "You Do So at Your Peril".

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0:00 - Objective Science, Subjective Psychology
0:46 - The Primary Problem
1:12 - Subjective and Objective Domains
2:37 - Which is Truer: Subjective Truth or Objective truth?

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Audio Attributions: ( @Jordan B Peterson )
The original version of this audio has been edited in an attempt to compile some of its most relative segments. This version is an original creation and is not directly tied to the speaker in any way. The original version is linked above. You can learn more about the speaker, Jordan Peterson, here on his website: https://www.jordanbpeterson.com

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