Check Out This Massive Tax Loophole for Business Owners

3 years ago

Show of hands: Who loves paying insane amount of taxes every year? No one? Buehler...?

Yeah, you'd have to be crazy to willingly shovel out tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to Uncle Sam, only for those knuckle heads in D.C. to squander it on their newest socialist-inspired flavor of the day. Well, that's what millions of taxpayers do EVERY SINGLE YEAR, simply because they don't understand the tax saving power of being a business owner. You don't need to own a fortune 500 company, or be the next Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates; you just need to own some sort of business!

In this video I'm going to discuss one of the most awesome tax loop holes that came about from President Trump's "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017". One of the incredible additions to the IRS code was the Section 179 Depreciation. Section 179 allows business owners to depreciate up to the full purchase price of a new or used vehicle or piece of equipment. There are some things to know and consider with Section 179, however, the rules are pretty black and white and the upside absolutely dominates any down side to the implementation.

I can already see hundreds of tax professionals getting excited emails from their clients about how they can go buy a vehicle and have Uncle Sam pay THEM to do it.

Here's to your WEALTH!

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