INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Alex Jones Happy Thanks Giving Special Message 11-25-21 general shepherd

3 years ago

#Infowars #alexjones General Shepherd Infowars The Alex Jones Show exclusive holiday thanks giving speacial message, he's really being genuine and nice, Alex talks about the Globalist agenda for global enslavement and alot of it starts with controlling the hearts and minds of people. the division in the media is largely due to globalist and people in power who want to control but also media companies that want to keep you hearing the same information that you would only want to agree with, they will not challenge you and will not take objective stance, this loop of being one side has deteriorated people's ability to have critical thinking. the real world is not the internet it is not Twitter or the news, but.... it's to late once you get so many people going in one direction they all want to follow the heard. the saying "go woke and go broke" is far from the truth if you don't go woke you will go broke. they use race and racism to control you. it's like the people's little toy they will fight over, let them play with that while we push our agenda is really what it is. also the idea of right and left completely made up. to a certain degree it's the elites versus the population. there's people who had voted democrat or checked that box for years who wholeheartedly voted for Donald Trump, there is people who wanted Bernie and not Hillary but when the Globalist picked Hillary they went with Trump. trump did get rid of the TTP and people calling him racist is all a lie, little Wayne and ice cube and so many black people endorsed him. Snoop Dogg for 4 years everyday made so many post about how he was a racist and FDT to the point where it was getting weird as to how much he hated him I think Snoop was getting paid, because at the end of Trump's presidency what does Trump do? gives snoops Dogg's friend a pardon, see they are friends and it's a game, or if he really was saying all of these things about him then it shows that Donald is not a racist to help out someone who constantly talked bad about you and you still help them out , oh and they are the race of which you've reported to be racist towards I think this is a great argument. also Google trumps Platinum Plan just Google Donald Trump Platinum Plan and read the PDF document that's basically a "contract with black Americans" ... Lil Wayne endorsed him and so did ice cube and he still lost.

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