Moonlligt - by Minan

2 years ago

Composed by my wife, Minan!

This recording/performance was fussed over by myself after she passed away in 2015, the arrangement built up around some of her live play. Sad to say that the recording was never completed until after she was gone. I did obsess over it, wanting to get it as close to what she had wanted it to be.

She and I met via correspondence, and the day came when I found myself in flight, 16 hours, to Seoul South Korea, where we got married, came back to Canada, and were together for close to thirty years.

Naturally, this track is close and personal to me, as are other songs se and I recored together, in a small studio o our own, that we put together rater performing at a local Beatles Convention, in Ottawa, with Pete Best as the headline act. A good time was had by all, but she and I decide that we had to move on, in order to be ourselves.

She ws adamant about that, and, o course, so am I, even to this day. We both felt inclined, as well, to advise others to 'just be yourself", because if you have to be what, say, some other, such as a wanna be manager, might want you to be, then you will never ever find a voice o your own.

This piece is melancholy, yes, but it is Minan in reflection. I am glad to have produced this and to have been involved, not only in plain my parts, but in the final arranging as well. So, hope there will be others out there who will enjoy.

God bless...

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