Was Judas Ever Saved? A Biblical Refutation of “Once Saved Always Saved"

3 years ago

If you believe in OSAS, I hope you will at least consider the points I make in this video with an open mind. For those who have expressed disagreement with me in the past with love and patience, I thank you for not resorting to extreme “false teacher/gospel” accusations like some unfortunately have.

I spend about the first half of the video explaining my overall position about Once Saved Always Saved or Eternal Security, going over some passages and points that from my point of view show that we are not "eternally secure" in this body as it is popularly taught. After that we dive into the topic of Judas specifically.

Just a few points of correction and clarification:

At the beginning of the video, at the 3:38 mark, I briefly reference the parable of the talents, and mistakenly say that this is at the end of Matthew 24. I meant to say “Matthew 25,” my apologies!

At 1:14:30 I accidentally said “Romans 3:10” instead of “Galatians 3:10” (the correct scripture is on the screen though).

At 2:56:00 I said “Numbers 22” instead of “Numbers 23"

Also, I know that the reference to Ananias’s heart in Acts 5:3 is specifically about it being filled with a lie from Satan. But there’s an “intimacy” behind this lie to the Holy Spirit from Ananias that indicates to me the Holy Spirit truly is in Ananias’ heart. I don’t think a nonbeliever can truly “lie to the Holy Spirit” unless the Holy Spirit is in the person’s heart. A nonbeliever can certainly reject Him or call God a liar by not believing the Father’s testimony about His Son (1 John 5:10). But directly lying to the Holy Spirit the way Peter pointed out to me comes across to intimate for a nonbeliever. A true “lie to the Holy Spirit” sounds to me like the Spirit was actually guiding Ananias, which would only happen from the heart.

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