Living off the Grid

2 years ago

Our Community is at an "undisclosed location".
Living off the Grid; with like-minded friends, loving life + having Fun !

"Thank You, Most High" ! Serenity in this sanctuary in nature. Everything works together for Good, and those that love ❤️ God.

In This Video:
Trees 🌳 and MoRe Trees 🌳 many trees - love it !!
Cows 🐄 🐄 🐄
Incredible wild life

Chemtrail Skies pictures
It's a feast Y’all ! All Birdies throwing down !
Romans 1:20 - Beautiful

Chemtrails, H.A.A.R.P., and the Full_Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
HAARP - The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program
Cotton Candy Skies
AMAZING Sun Pictures !
Rainbow Sun Pics Extended Series
Holographic Sun - More Evidence
Rainbow Chemtrail

Chemtrail Flu + man-made-diseases
In God's Presence, ALL of our fears are washed away
Jesus is The Way
Jesus Loves ❤️ His Animals
In the presence of God, ALL fear washes away.
The Fiery Furnace - Gods protection is forever.

Red Skies - Is Nibiru Already here ?
dog and cat are friends, and sleeping; my brother from another mother.

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