Millions supporting at the convoy 2022! Whats the Next Step

3 years ago

We have Millions supporting at the convoy 2022 -Tino Desideri - Research
Lets ensure this OPPORTUNITY has an Amazing Victory.

I see ONLY A FEW as of yet offering any SOLUTION!

What is the Next Step, protesting has never achieved any victory for the sovereigns,.

We as sovereigns at these events/rallies/protests. must realize that they always been a failure as there is never been a plan, there are many distractions, such as creating political parties, fighting in a corrupt court system designed to ensure 100 percent failure. So what is the plan,.

I watch speaker after speaker at these events, regurgitate the same thing over and over, with the same result. Failure after failure!

Yelling FREEDOM, means absolutely NOTHING unless you have a plan to actually give the sovereigns Freedom, liberty, property, land and Unalienable rights.

The Sovereigns deserve to hear of a Plan that has a concrete foundation to actually bring us all together and begin to commit to achieve a goal that benefits everyone!

Once the Sovereigns hear of this Plan, it will spread to every community and every home.

The Sovereigns NEED to hear a plan to end the Globalists UN Agenda 21/30 and UNDRIP enslavement!

Well here is a lawful plan and a Solution for the Sovereigns

What is this plan? Well its a Constitution created by the Sovereigns protecting their Unalienable Rights and restoring Natural Law!

Why is this important because we are enslaved by a fictional document created by the B.A.R Attorned creditors they call a Constitution and it is NOT A CONSTITUTION

BAR stands for British Accreditation Registry

The British Legal System Of Mixed Common And
Roman Law Has Been Used To Enslave us all

Finally a plan, is here to end the de-facto unlawful canada corporation.

So lets get organized and end this charade and build a Future for ALL! It all Starts with You, educating the Plan!

All the Information is available here.

Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily

Creating a Natural Law Republic

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