Portable Gun Safes / Lock Boxes for your Car, Travels and your Home

3 years ago

With all the talk about guns ending up in the wrong hands, I decided to look at affordable ways to secure our guns and EDC items when forced to leave them unattended. Help prevent smash and grab of a gun in your glove box or center console or prevent an intruder or child from accessing your gun at home when not attended.

Amazon Basics Portable Security Case Lock Box Safe, Combination Lock, Largehttps://amzn.to/34szVVL

Bulldog Cases Car Safe with Key Lock, Mounting Bracket and Cable in Black

HORUSDY Lockbox for Guns and Valuables with Combination Lock

Home Depot - Portable Drawer Safe - Not Affiliated Starting @ $8.88

Harbor Freight - Not Affiliated

Academy Sports - Not Affiliated

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