Which batch # were you inoculated with? What will the other 95% uneventful batches cause?

2 years ago

https://www.howbadismybatch.com/ This website can tell you whether or not you were inoculated with a short-term adverse event or a delayed, time bomb event. The life insurance companies are now telling us that deaths are rising by unprecedented rates. Not by Covid but by other atypical causes. This is the tip of the iceberg in the beginning of the bell curve. People were tricked into taking this experimental vaccine and the consequences will be devastating. The victims of propaganda will take its toll amongst the naïve American people. It will be long before those who took part in this “vaccine” campaign will pay a dear price. Soon, the news will not be able to hide this much longer and hopefully begin to wake people up so that they stop the mandates and devils...stop inoculating the children.

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