Adventure Travel

3 years ago

There is much that you can do to prepare for your trip abroad, depending on where you are going, how long you are staying, and your reasons for traveling.

The following suggestions and sources may be useful:

Do your homework and read as much as possible about the countries in which you plan to travel. Informing yourself about a nation’s history, culture, customs, and politics will make your stay more meaningful. Such information can be found in most libraries, bookstores, and tourist bureaus. Although English is spoken in many countries, it is a good idea to learn what you can of the language of the country in which you will be traveling.

Travel agents can provide brochures and tourist information about the countries that you wish to visit.

Most international airlines can supply you with travel brochures about the countries that they serve. Many countries have tourist information offices in main cities in the United States where you can obtain travel brochures and maps.

Foreign embassies or consulates in the United States can provide up-to-date information on their countries. Addresses and telephone numbers of the embassies of foreign governments are listed in the Congressional Directory, available at most public libraries. In addition to their embassies, some countries also have consulates in major U.S. cities. Look for their addresses in your local telephone directory, or find them in the publication, Foreign Consular Offices in the United States, available in many public libraries, or on the state department travel website.

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