Why People Leave Their Faith for Politics

3 years ago

Why people leave their faith for politics. It can sometimes feel that way when someone you looked up to for their faith walks away. It’s hard, and it hurts. As I’ve pondered on the subject, I’ve noticed is that many people who are leaving their faith these days do so either in the name of inherently political reasons, or they seem to replace their religious faith with political activism shortly after. I just hope that they can know and name why they have moved away from their faith, instead of incorrectly concluding that it has been their faith that moved away from them.

If you enjoyed this video, I would recommend this video on a successful life: https://youtu.be/uaFA1WRQtj8

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FAIR talk on worldview: https://youtu.be/SHdIsT4eiEQ

8 Signs Your Christianity is Too Comfortable: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/8-signs-your-christianity-is-too-comfortable/

Against the Politics of Salvation: https://squaretwo.org/Sq2ArticleJohnstonPoliticsSalvation.html

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