Best Motivational Video

3 years ago

Those who want to achieve greatness,
never look for permissions.
They follow what their heart says,
and do what their minds tell them to do!
You can't change your past,
but you can design your future!
So don't worry about your past,
just think about your future!!
In life
- It's not about the tear,
And in a smile;
It's not about fear,
and in courage;
It's not about the pain,
And in laughter!
There are three success mantras:
1. be determined
2. be patient
3. Never compromise on hard work .
Don't look for someone who can solve your problems,
Instead go and stand in front of the mirror,
Look me straight in the eye,
And you will see a better person who can solve your problems!
Always trust yourself.
Smile like a baby,
Shine like a dewdrop,
Be as confident as the sun,
Fly like a butterfly,
And trust me,
no one can stop you from succeeding.

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