TEACHING BREAKDANCE - Noise Of The Broke Boys W/ Bboy Vincanity

3 years ago

BBoy Vincanity, the creator of VincanitTV, discusses the creation of his popular "How to Dance" youtube channel, the arts in schools, the importance of creativity, and other fun things related to breakin'.

Noise of the Broke Boys Podcast - Episode 001

TEACHING BREAKDANCE - Noise Of The Broke Boys W/ Bboy Vincanity

W/U's album, Acuestate is used as a backing track to this entire podcast.

Peep the full album on Soundcloud:


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All The Links Here: https://linktr.ee/NoiseOfTheBrokeBoys

A broke degenerate hooligan documents conversations about being a Bboy, Breakin', Hip Hop, Dance, Art, Music, Creativity, Innovation, and the slow subtle crumble of society in audio form.

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