Critical Thinking Question #2 - Covid Edition

3 years ago

This is a new series of short videos in which we ask a simple question to get us thinking.

Above is a link to many letters addressed to various Universities, Clinics and Hospitals around the world with the request to obtain information for a full, accurate and complete list of records supporting the claim that the SARS-COV-2 virus causes the symptoms of the disease called COVID-19, including but not limited to isolation of SARS-COV-2 virus and its identification method as confirmation.
The word “isolation” is used in the everyday sense of the word: the act of separating a thing(s) from everything else.
Everyone of these institutions said that they do not hold records that describe the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus.

Our question today is: if the SARS-COV-2 virus causing the disease called COVID-19 has never been isolated, how are other viruses identified and have other viruses been isolated?

We want to hear from you! Please share and subscribe for many more questions to come.

Do you know the definition and meaning of Critical Thinking? Look up the different definitions. Look up the words critical and think, and 'critical thinking,' and consider using the 1828 Webster Dictionary as well.

The word critical refers to utmost importance, priority, emergency, in danger of something fearful.

The health of our thoughts and beliefs impact our whole being and our world. By taking on the task to think critically, we will start to question many issues at hand and begin to implore each other to reason human existence and purpose, the external and internal and every facet of it. What is important to you? What are your everyday conclusions based on?

Do you care for answers beyond facts, and more importantly, do you care for truth?

We will regularly present at least one question a day to think about, and this way, move through various topics. The purpose is to explore, expand and open the mind, study the possibilities, compare conclusions and consider the ideas of other thinkers while stepping beyond our own ignorance or the ignorance of others.

Today, we start with the topic of COVID. I know, really!

We will not state our position on any topic although at times, it will be obvious. Other times, the questions will remain open ended (until they aren’t).

The intent is to simply present questions that will help us gain a better understanding on many topics presented and hopefully, help us to make better decisions too. We welcome your answers, your input, suggestions and explanations.

We hope we can connect with as many of you, whether you are a child, a young person, whether you have a PhD or a BM (Blessed Mother) attached to your name, or wherever you find yourself in life. We believe that we should all continue to learn by loving to learn, having an open mind, reading and discerning, paying close attention and considering past experiences while closely observing the present.

If you have ideas for topics and questions to explore, please post them and contact us at (short for think and act daily).

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