VIDEO - The Holy See condemnation of the heretical lies of the enemies of the Catholic Church...

3 years ago

Video publication produced on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes - 11 February 2022 AD...

The Holy See condemnation of the heretical lies of the enemies of the Catholic Church...this video publication produced by the true Holy Apostolic See, the Apostolic Document from His Holiness the true Pope Jacobus I, on the subject of the recent heretical proclamations from the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of SSPX, SSPV and now the so called sedevacantist heretics, and their evident misleading and directly heretical assertions on the subject of the poisonous injection substances and their genocidal mandating from various secular governments of the world, and the direct condemnation of such mandates as heretical and criminal abuse of God given authority, and the scandalous abominable example of various direct and heretical lies from the circles of the notorious and IPSO FACTO excommunicated sedevacantist heretic Donald J. Sanborn, him directly leading into heresy and sinful conduct various unstable souls who would listen to such servants of Satan, as these excommunicated enemies of God...This Apostolic See Video Document fully binds all true and potential Catholic souls in conscience and must be obeyed in full, and it is not open to discussion... the aftermath of the denial of the truth of the revealed Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, what is left is the punishment from God falling upon those who would have dared to do this evil to our Lord, and so that is why so few do recognize this truth where His true Roman Catholic Church, the only Divine Institution, today is, where the true Vicar of Christ our Lord, the genuine and rightful Sovereign Pontiff is...and only those who do recognize this truth, will be helped by the Truth Himself...and the rest will be visited by Him in serious and most severe punishment...upcoming !


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