How to Turbo Charge You're ECQC Skills Without Spending a Fortune - And You Can Do It Anywhere

3 years ago

How to Turbo Charge You're Weapons Based Combatives Skills Without Spending a Fortune

…and You Can Do It in ANYWHERE!

IDS Weapons Based Clinch Fighting Vol. 1

âš¡Get it now and see for yourself:
When you consider the fact that a large percentage of violent crimes occur within contact distance and include some type of physical entanglement, the harsh reality begins to set in – your shooting skills alone aren’t enough. Having the ability to retain and access your weapon in all types of extreme close quarter, attacks must work interdependently with your pistol craft.

This adaptable, principle-based approach will offer you the skills you need if faced with these potentially disastrous circumstances. Don’t miss this opportunity to acquire these unique skills from one of the top weapons based combatives experts in the business.

Runtime: 84+ minutes

✅Working the System
✅Integrating Strikes
✅Over Hook Options
✅The IDS Hierarchy
✅In-Fight Weapon Concealment
✅Defending Strikes
✅Monitoring Hands
✅ In-Fight Weapon Retention
✅Strategic Dumps
✅Dominant Angles
✅In-Fight Weapon Access
✅Strategic Trips
✅Breaking Down Posture
✅Under Hook Options
✅Strategic Sweeps

This Member Exclusive Course is just 1 of 15 courses (for all levels) that work together as a comprehensive system of training designed specifically with the Citizen Defender in mind.

Members have an immediate all-access pass to all courses and content. New Courses, Videos and Streaming Seminars will be frequently added to our already extensive collection so you can be ready if faced with a life-threatening critical incident.

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