Bonds for the Win - Tyrant Slayer Edition

2 years ago
365 is where you can the help you need!
My mission here is to raise awareness about the law and point you in the right direction! I'm no expert, but I'm ticked off at public officials just like you are! It's time to hold them accountable and make some changes! Police need to STOP enforcing these illegal mandates!

ALL Elected or Appointed public officials are required to post a "Surety Bond." These are bonds which guarantee that these officials will act in good faith and perform their sworn duties AND uphold their Oath of Office!

Since the country is full of public servants who feel themselves "Public Masters" and have NOT been performing their duties OR upholding their OATHS OF OFFICE we can make claims for damages against their surety bonds! This is a very effective way to rel these wannabe Tyrants back in! If they lose their bond they are ineligible to continue holding their position!

We have a whole lot of people within our Federal Government who have sworn an "Oath of Office" who have FAILED TO UPHOLD THAT OATH!

I believe that it may be time to see exactly what must be done to rectify this situation! I happen to know that it is a CRIME to violate your Oath of Office!!! And I don't care WHO YOU ARE!!!

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office prescribes penalties INCLUDING REMOVAL from office for oath violations!

I believe we ALL know a few Oath violators! You should look up the statutes on "Federal Oath Violations"

It appears that the federal government has exempted themselves from having to be bonded.... But they do REQUIRE an oath of office!

There is a CRIMINAL penalty for violating your oath office!
And like I said, remedies include REMOVAL!
Let's go to WORK!!!

A Public Official Bond is a type of surety bond that serves as a statutory obligation requiring faithful performance, fidelity, and integrity of a public official’s duties to the public.

The bond requires public officers and secondary obligors to pay a fixed amount if they do not faithfully perform their duties in the office. Like all surety bonds, this bond consists of a three-party agreement:

Principal – Public official
Obligee – Government or public being served by the official
Surety – Bonding company that underwrites the bond and is the secondary obligor
This bond is one of the oldest forms of written guarantee that requires persons to obtain to qualify for office. In 1792, Congress passed an act that the Office of the Paymaster “shall give bond in the sum of $20,000, with two sufficient sureties, for the faithful discharge of duties.”

Depending on the statutes of a specific jurisdiction, Public Official Bonds may be faithful performance bonds, fidelity bonds, public employee dishonesty bonds, or public employee blanket bonds.

The bond requirements are found in the individual state codes. They are mandatory for all elected and most public officials, ranging from governors and mayors to local school board members and agents selling fishing or hunting licenses. They are effective before and once a public official has taken the oath of office.

The bond protects against:

Conduct or omissions made by public officials that constitute a breach of his or her duties of the office. The bond serves as a guarantee against fraud or dishonesty and covers losses arising from neglect or other serious offenses.

The bond protects:

Any government entity and provides coverage to the public. The bond, in nature, is an Indemnity Bond rather than a Forfeiture Bond. It is a contract designed to protect the city or the entire citizenship served by the public official.

The bond indemnifies those parties that have suffered losses as a result of the official’s misconduct. In some cases, state statutes will allow a member of the public to file a suit against the bond, if that individual has suffered financial damages caused by a public official’s misconduct.

The information above was taken from:

These bonds are required for ALL Elected or Appointed positions, including Sheriffs, City Councils, School Boards, and even Mayors and Governors. Since we have seen a lot of misconduct from these officials over the past couple of years... I believe it's time that we hold them accountable!

I want you to head over to where you can coordinate with others who are already "at war" with these officials and their bonds, they have a ton of useful information on this process for you, and can probably save you some steps! Since seeing their video I have been helping to get out the battle plan, because THIS is the way you can actually "Git Er Done" when it comes to holding public officials accountable!

Also PLEASE go and watch the videos on BitChute: Here's one, just subscribe and you'll get the rest! Happy Hunting!

Music provided by:
Pandemia by MaxKoMusic |
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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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