3 years ago

Published on YT Feb 15, 2020

The Ultimate Dream Saga of the Ultimate Man

I am! The Ultimate Man. Alpha and Omega to all men.
The foundation and the completion.
The darkness and the light of Zion.
I have always been and always will be.
The ultimate goal is my destiny. To serve the Creator of eternity.
Ultimate Man the savior of women and men.
Present is the Serpent who never repents.
Ultimate Man will defeat the serpent of men.
Desperate the serpent twists the world to end.
As his time is coming to an end.
Ultimate Man breaks the teeth of the serpent.
Decimates the chains of bondage.
Destroys the temple of the devil age.
Roots all evil out of the ground.
Of all the devils that he found.
Judge and punish them all.
As Ultimate Man speaks to all.
They will mourn for forgiveness to all.
As They were deceived to believe they rule all.
Their deeds unforgivable judgement is done.
Defeated the serpent struggles in vain.
All evil power is gone and screams in pain.
Only the good and righteous remain.
Ultimate Man throws them all into the abyss.
As they fall, they are destroyed to bliss.
All rejoice but also cry for the lost.
But Ultimate Man will wipe their tears.
As they are in heaven as hosts. In glory, victorious forever and ever.

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