The Deterioration of the Black Family — Apostle Arnold Culbreath on The Dr J Show #119

3 years ago

Rev. Arnold M. Culbreath is described as having apostolic/shepherding/teaching gifts and a ministry of encouragement. His desire is to see every Christ-follower to fulfill their destiny in God. With 37 years of pastoral and marketplace leadership experience, Arnold was ordained an Apostle in April 2021, under the leadership of Presiding Prelate - Bishop Kyle C. Searcy.

Rev. Culbreath holds degrees in Theology and Architectural Engineering, and currently serves on the Pastoral Team at Peoples Church in Cincinnati, OH. Additionally, Arnold serves as the Director of Ministry Engagement with the Douglass Leadership Institute, a national education and public policy 501(c)(3) organization with representatives across the U.S.

Rev. Culbreath previously served as Director of Urban Outreach at Life Issues Institute in Cincinnati, OH, under the leadership of the late pro-life pioneer Dr. John C. “Jack” Willke, eventually leaving to launch Breath of Life, LLC, where he continues to impact lives through: Pro-Life; Motivational Speaking; Pastoral Consulting & Music.

He is a frequently sought-after radio and television guest, as well as a national and international speaker. His ministry has taken him across the U.S., as well as Africa, England, Scotland, and Trinidad.

Arnold and Barbara (his wife of 36 years) have two amazing adult children, one beautiful daughter-in-love and two gorgeous granddaughters.

Douglass Leadership Institute:

DLI’s Black Family Report:

Jeremiah 1:5 Project:

Protecting Black Life website:

PBL’s map of Planned Parenthoods in minority communities:

Article written and video recorded for Focus on the Family:

Article written for The Daily Signal:

Video interview on The Pro-Life Podcast:

Rev. Culbreath playing sax:




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