FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 11 = Chapter 3: The HIV Pandemic Template for Pharma Profiteering

3 years ago

I know you’re busy, so I am going to help summarize this book for you in easy 3-minute segments. Find them on TikTok —>> fatesabitch91

1981 was when the CDC recognized the emergence of a new disease dubbed “Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome” or AIDS.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) was looking at this disease as a new cash cow, until in 1984 when NIH scientist Robert Gallo linked AIDS to the HIV Virus.

BOOK, Page 132: The NCI, which is heavily lobbied and does nothing to offend or endanger Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Ag, and Big Chemical, has spent almost NOTHING to address public exposure to carcinogens from medicines, vaccines, meats, processed foods, sugar, and chemical-laden agriculture.

What are the 2 things the NCI WILL go after? Big Tobacco and the Sun… because the Sun CAN’T LOBBY!

So AIDS started out under NCI, but Fauci, seeing an opportunity for money, moved aggressively to categorize AIDS as an INFECTIOUS DISEASE - this was able to wrangle the AIDS research and funding from NCI to NIAID.

We all know now that HIV is NOT a virus that can be transmissible through the air or through touching - and as we will see as we continue through this book, there is not solid evidence that HIV CAUSES AIDS, it MAY be a co-factor, but there is no evidence to support that is causes AIDS, and this ginormous LIE is what a multi-billion dollar industry is built off of.


At the time of the AIDS crisis, NIAID did not have an “in house” drug development capacity so drug “research” was farmed out to “Principal Investigators” or PI’s that are controlled by the Pharmaceutical companies.

What we have now is a MEDICAL CARTEL: Pharmaceutical companies, hospital systems, HMOs and insurers, medical journals, and public health regulators - which march in LOCKSTEP with the PIs who act as lobbyists, spokespersons, liaisons, and enforcers.

BOOK, Pages 135, 136: “PIs are powerful academic physicians and researchers who use federal grants and pharmaceutical industry contracts to build feudal empires at universities and research hospitals”.

Thanks to the largesse of NIH and NIAID a few hundred PIs in our country control basically ALL of America’s biomedical research. This is NOT SCIENCE, this is corruption to the very core.
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