Trump Slams Trudeau - Trudeau Threatens Truckers

2 years ago

Trump calls Trudeau 'far left lunatic,' expresses support for convoy

Nine days into the "Freedom Convoy" protests in Canada, an anti-vaccine group protesting new border regulations, Donald Trump has praised it and called Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a "far-left lunatic."

The protests started on January 29, led by campaigners opposed to the mandate that truckers crossing the US-Canada border must be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The protests, which are being investigated by police for criminal activity and have brought parts of the capital Ottawa to a standstill, have been praised by Donald Trump whilst he simultaneously criticizes Trudeau.

Trudeau says trucker protest poses threat to ‘democracy’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has claimed the truckers who continue to protest against Covid-19 restrictions in Ottawa are trying to “blockade” democracy and harass locals with “violent” imagery.

During a speech in Canada’s House of Commons on Monday – which has been surrounded by protesters since January 28 – Trudeau argued that demonstrators against Covid-19 restrictions pose a dangerous threat to the public as well as the state, just one day after the city of Ottawa declared a state of emergency.

Outrage at 'virtue signalling' Trudeau as Canadian PM accused of betraying truckers

Protests made up of thousands of angry truckers have rocked Ottawa and two Canada-US border crossings for two weeks. The 'Freedom Convoy' truckers, who are protesting strict Covid mandates, have driven to the capital and barraged the city with the noise of truck horns while more protesters blockade traffic along the border. Responding to the blockade, Mr Trudeau said: "Blockages, illegal demonstrations are unacceptable, and are negatively impacting businesses and manufacturers.

Pierre Poilievre wants to be Prime Minister: Should pro-life Canadians support him?

As Pierre Poilievre throws his hat early into the ring to become Canada’s next Prime Minister, perhaps conservatives should refrain from getting too optimistic.

It is clear that the Freedom Convoy has shaken up political discourse in Canada over the past two weeks. As Alberta and Saskatchewan both signal an end to all COVID restrictions, and as Trudeau’s health czar Theresa Tam suggests the government “re-examine” extreme measures such as COVID passports, the most notable effect has been the federal Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) expressing their complete reversal on their allegiance to the COVID regime by booting out their leader and becoming outspoken for freedom overnight.

Justin Trudeau Warns Freedom Truckers from Hidden Bunker that Crackdown Is Coming after Late Night Meeting

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Little Castro, warned that a crackdown is coming to end the anti-vaccine Freedom Convoy protests that are crippling Canada and disrupting the elites in Ottawa from getting to their city restaurants.

Castro reportedly held late meetings on Thursday with his cabinet ministers.

The Biden regime also urged Trudeau to act against the protesters.

It could be an exciting weekend.

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