Ep 35 - API & ISO Running Small Business out of Business

3 years ago

The question this week is "is API & ISO Running Small Business out of Business…?" And its a good one to ask. You'll be amazed to hear that like all other industries, the Quality Management Industry and Certification Bodies as all run and operated by, you guessed it people like you and me. While that is comforting to know, it can defiantly present certain challenges to you and how you run and maintain your organization.

Our guest this week is Kevin Stange
Kevin has more than 15 companies in QMS implementation and certification to API Q1, Q2, ISO 9001, 14001, and 18001. Kevin is the Principle Owner at ERA Capital and Servicing and Enterprise Quality Management.
Need more support or help? Check out some of our resources below.
Standards we support | ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 1348, API Q1, API Q2 and more!

Texas Quality Assurance - where quality management gets simplified, saving time and energy for what matters most
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