Scared? I've been weighed and measured and found worthy... Have you?

3 years ago

Everybody is q big bad war hero until it comes time to do war sh!t. You all have no plan and no demands. You can't even name specifically what you are protesting for. But anyone who says this is dumb, there are better ways, you're gonna get people killed by the logistical shutdown are "SCARED". I'm not scared of shit. I've proven myself and turns out I am incredibly hard to kill and that is a particularly good trait when it comes down to fighting a war. You haven't been weighed. You haven't been measured. You haven't been tested. But I would wager you WILL be found wanting.... Go on and do your thing. I'm excited to watch but being smart and being "scared" are 2 very different things. I can prove that I was willing and did give all for this country... You cant!

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