Ottawa is Beginning to Unmask [Freedom Convoy 2022] Change is Coming!

3 years ago

I was in line at Tim Horton's, and encouraged a man to take off his mask. Slowly, he did. Then, his children. The Truckers and other peace-loving protestors for freedom are slowly effecting change in this city.

So happy to see this change beginning to occur! The end of this nonsense is coming!


The event described in this video took place on Thursday February 10th, 2022, the 13th day of the trucks sitting out in front of Parliament. It was also my third day in and among the protestors, who I wholeheartedly agree with.

Meant to record something about this yesterday, but there was so much to record, see, do, and edit!

#freedomconvoy2022, #freedom, #ottawa2022, #endthemandates, #unmask, #unmask2022

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