Fiat Empire

3 years ago

Never before in history has every single industrialized country had a century of the exponential growth of credit, asset prices, and inflation. That is, until now. Of course, it's impossible to guess when the end of this 100-year bubble will occur. It has already gone on much longer than anyone thought possible. Governments, central banks as well as commercial banks have managed to keep pumping endless amounts of unredeemable money into the system in order to keep the Ponzi scheme going. Most people don't understand what's happening to their money. They believe that their Dollar is worth the same as it was 10 years ago, or 25 years ago. But actually, since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, all major currencies have declined in value by 97-99%, especially the Dollar. This means that your savings in U.S. Dollars have been destroyed by the same amount. Yes. You've been robbed!

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