12/10/21 Fri. Ellen Page and Jussie; Roe v Wade Harms Kids: John Lott

3 years ago

Just a couple calls today. Hake spends a lot of time on Jussie's "hate crime" hoax, and John Lott's excellent Roe v Wade article.
0:00:00 Fri, Dec 10, 2021 FALSE START
0:01:44 WE'RE BACK, SORRY!
0:02:39 Hey, guys!
0:05:56 Ellen "Elliot" Page [CLIP CUT OUT]
0:18:46 Jussie's life
0:32:35 Pro-Jussie tweets
0:41:53 Supers
0:44:00 Hillary Clinton, heh
0:47:46 Tucker and Nigel on Boris and Covid
0:59:14 "Overture: A Partial History of Black Music"
1:05:45 Reading Chat on Boris and Nigel
1:18:24 Super: Ellen Page
1:21:47 John Lott on Roe v Wade
1:39:45 Immigration Mess
1:51:26 Last Supers: Don't hate Trump
1:53:25 Canada outlaws Christian help for gays
1:56:48 "Beach Brazil" - TrackTribe

The Hake Report, Friday, December 10, 2021: FLASHBACK to 2019: Ellen Page drama against Trump/Pence with Stephen Colbert after Jussie Smollett's "hate crime." // Jussie's parents embraced "activism," not morals! // Libs tweeted against "racism" and "homophobia." // Tucker Carlson tells Nigel Farage that "Covid" emasculates and feminizes men like Boris Johnson, who just married his third wife, 33yo activist Carrie Johnson! // Townhall: John R. Lott, Jr., details moral decline post-Roe v. Wade, harming children! // Biden DHS pretends to be pro-family for "undocumented immigrants." // Canada outlaws gay conversion therapy. //

MUSIC: Mervyn Warren (and others) - "Overture: A Partial History of Black Music" - from the Grammy award-winning "gospel" (which I usually hate) album Handel's Messiah: A Soulful Celebration by various artists (1992) // TrackTribe - "Beach Brazil" - from YouTube Audio Library (Chris selection) //

Robert from Kansas suggests women aren't really human (or "equal"), nor nonwhites.
Rick from Hampton, VA calls the fake "Juicy Fruit," LOL! He makes a point on interracial too.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/12/10/121021-fri-ellen-page-and-jussie-roe-v-wade-harms-kids-john-lott

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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