Aliens ARE Demons - Full Video

3 years ago

Video series put together by user kristimjlove on Youtube

NOTE- While I don't agree with EVERY single thing in this video series such as the Fallen Angels having children with human women because Angels are sexless and do NOT have reproductive powers as Jesus said, I do agree with the overall premise for SURE that Aliens ARE just Fallen Angels posing as such. In fact the same thing goes for ALL CRYPTIDS, BigFoots, and other Monster legends throughout History in every culture. They're ENTIRE JOB is to DECEIVE and MISLEAD mankind.

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What does the Bible say about UFOs, aliens, alien abductions? Are "aliens" demons in disguise attempting to deceive the world into believing they are our creators and saviors? "Aliens" are giving messages to their human contacts that are anti-biblical, deny Christ and his work on the cross. Sounds like a demonic agenda. Fair use Copyright of 1976

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