Teach Your Child Chess, Sigal Bekker Saban interviews Danilo Cuellar

3 years ago

I recently had the honor of being interviewed on Sigal Bekker Saban’s podcast. Here we discuss how I fell in love with chess, being a chess autodidact, monetary incentives to encourage kids to improve in chess, chess improving one’s life, accepting the consequences of one’s decisions, no takebacks, chess popularity is increasing, chess in the movies, Queen’s Gambit Netflix series, how to keep your child interested in chess, homeschooling and chess, correspondence chess, the importance of being a good loser and a good winner, common difficulties of my students, my youngest student, the social benefits of in person chess tournaments, the importance of chess books, the importance of analyzing master games and one’s own losses, girls and chess, chess is a zero sum game, life is not a zero sum game, why chess is more popular with boys, why I love Chess960 AKA Fischerandom and much more!

“Chess is life.” Bobby Fischer

“Chess is not for the faint-hearted; it absorbs a person entirely. To get to the bottom of this game, he has to give himself up into slavery. Chess is difficult, it demands work, serious reflection and zealous research.” Wilhelm Steinitz

“Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” Japanese proverb

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