Donald Trump still The President, Commander in Chef, has Nuke Codes and Controls Military

2 years ago

Donald Trump still The President, Commander in Chef, has Nuke Codes and Controls Military
Trumpet triumphs Lion of Judah 21 gun shots 47 president inauguration nuke codes eo#13848

foreign quickly stating logistically it would be impossible for him to be here for this ceremony with President Trump and also at the inauguration so he's chosen to be at the inauguration of Joe Biden and his successor Vice president-elect Kamala Harris you can see now that without vice president Pence there president Trump and first lady Melania Trump getting off of marine one and Melania Trump and they're heading to the podium we're going to take a live listen in here as the president takes the stage I'm sure a first lady will say any remarks as well but we know obviously the president will be saying some words here shortly in front of a crowd there ready for him thank you followers in terms of what they should be doing they say to themselves who voted for this four trillion dollars in higher taxes wide open borders killing job creating policies what do you want to say to them in terms of what they should be doing right now have courage keep fighting it's going to happen we're going to turn it around they've gone too far they can't get away with us we can't allow them to get away with this they're destroying our country have courage it's going to happen I'm with you I am very very strongly at times 10 considering to do what everybody wants me to do you know when you announce early I don't know if you know but that has a big impact on fundraising and many other things so it's a little bit of a crazy complex thing the whole fundraising campaign contribution stuff is ridiculous the laws are so archaic and stupid frankly but we are really uh I am so committed to this country like frankly never before I just say keep fighting have courage and I believe that they've gone just too far and they're using the AGS to destroy people they want to destroy people great people great Patriots they're using uh they're politicizing this whole situation with the Attorney General's office with local AGS with what's going on is horrible it's horrible and going again going after the Rudy giulianis of the world when you have murderers pouring into this country under our Southern border murder is rapists and terrorists and people by the way people coming from the Middle East too not just the countries we discussed they're coming in from Yemen and various countries all countries from the Middle East and this is just starting uh it's a horrible thing have faith we're going to bring it back we cannot allow them to get away with what they do there's an inauguration speech of January 2017.
sometimes when Alice through that oh man that's kind of gluten what's that about I watched it again a few times and he started saying for too long there's been a handful of people that have ruled our country and the world and as he said that a member of each branch of the United States military came down behind him on the steps do you remember that yeah and then when he finished and said he was going to give it back to the people they marched off we didn't know it then but he knew it and I believe he was telling America we're going to change it give it back to the people and the military is behind me that's what I think's going on trying to onnect dots that don't exist is that did you sign the Insurrection act nobody's going to tell you he's not going to say yes or no but if he did then the military is in essence in control of the country in that if we were attacked by a foreign actor the military would respond if things got bad from a domestic actor where the police and the National Guard couldn't deal with it the military will respond if we had to have a first we had to have a second strike the military has the power to do a second strike nuclear it cannot do a first only the president but if something happens tomorrow and this country needs to be protected by a first strike nuclear weapon I believe the military would get that Authority from Donald J Trump he's got the box this is really a sting operation contrary to what everybody else said Trump knew this was happening Eric knew his was happening and warned the public. I knew this was happening however I could not say anything about it what happened was we arked watermarked every ballot with What's called the qfs Block Chain encryption code in other words we know pretty well where every ballot is where it went and who has it so this is not a stolen election on the contrary we reversed the entire game of war along the lines of Sun Tzu The Art of War and Trump was brilliant and still is brilliant at it the reason he hasn't been seen in Alex correctly said oh I haven't seen him in several days well in the art of the war you pull back allow your enemy to make all the mistakes that they are making but they must feel true she must have some technology that could solve that problem your problem is not technology the problem is you you lack the will to change then help us change I cannot change your nature you treat the world as you treat each other but every civilization reaches a crisis Point eventually most of them don't make it yours did how our son was done we had to evolve in order to survive so it was only when your world was threatened with destruction that you became what you are now yes well that's where we are you say we're on the brink of Destruction you're right but it's only on the brink that people find that will to change only at the precipice do we evolve This is Our Moment

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