2/10/22 - Vaccines EXPOSED Invasive Nanotech CASE PRESENTED - Ep. 177

3 years ago

The fake vaccines are multi vector DNA changing bioweapons with invasive experimental nano technology. PROVE ME WRONG. Here is my case. Please share this with everyone you know. This is the only way to beat the globalists before they enslave us all. Timestamp directory:
00:00:01 Opening Song “The Great Awakening”
00:01:45 Show starts
00:04:55 Video: Fact checkers are the ministry of truth - Paul Joseph Watson
00:09:00 Video: Idiocracy 2 - Prophecy Fulfilled
00:13:30 About the show, about exposing The Great Reset, about the New World Order, the depopulation agenda, the vaccine holocaust
00:18:00 Twitter updates - My covid vaccine injury video has over 30K views now, and my new video just dropped about HIV in the vaccines and had over 900 views already at the start of the show - that video was instantly banned on Instagram - @evankopelson on Twitter
00:22:22 New Twitter Thread 15 Tweets with the patents for nanotech in the experimental vaccines - Follow me on Twitter @evankopelson
00:33:45 Video - How to Destroy a Liberal Reporter - Former TV News anchor Kari Lake, now running for AZ Governor, is asked in what looks like one of those “gotcha!” attacks, if she thinks Biden is the real President, and Lake’s response is 🔥💥🚀
00:54:45 Doctor who discovered Omicron variant says she was pressured not to reveal it was mild
00:57:00 James Carville says he wants to “punch the unvaccinated in the face” and there should be a law making it legal to violently assault people
01:04:20 Pfizer hiding critical safety information from the public and it’s about to come out. They’re already expecting the news to have a negative impact on their business (um, ya think?)
01:15:00 Video - Greg Reese Report - 5g Nano Tech in the Pfizer Vaccines and what it’s likely there for - ensuing discussion about transhumanism and the globalist agenda to merge humanity with AI and create a hive mind that they control every aspect of (of course)
01:22:15 Video - Rice University “Teslaphoresis” this is a 2016 video that introduced the technology of Self assembling nano wires and circuitry using nano tubes of graphene oxide activated ‘at a distance’ via electromagnetic energy. This proves the technology already exists to put this into the experimental vaccines for which all the patents are already there. Case closed.
01:33:00 Closing Song “Trust in the Lord (with all of your heart)”

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