12/24/21 Fri. Christmas Eve with Hake: Pray for the Persecuted Whites!

3 years ago

Kim Potter, railroaded for being white! Nasty women, phony and vicious! Word of the day: "unquantified"
0:00:00 Fri, Dec 24, 2021
0:02:01 Hey, guys! 4 years!
0:05:56 Kim Potter
0:34:08 RICHARD
0:37:47 Supers
0:40:38 Ana Navarro
0:48:15 MARI, NOT "NADIA"
0:49:53 Chat: Daunte Wright
0:52:05 Women, Migrants
0:57:51 "O Holy Night"
1:10:39 Correction: Not "Nadia"
1:11:49 Supers!
1:22:14 JIM, TN
1:26:53 BIGG BUMP
1:28:31 Trump Vaxx
1:32:28 More Supers
1:34:25 LOUIS, ID
1:36:33 Unqualified statements
1:48:02 WILLIAM
1:54:09 JOHN
1:55:46 MAZE
1:58:49 "Silent Night"

The Hake Report, Friday, December 24, 2021: s/o to AJ Gallardo for the original Theme Song, written and recorded 4 years ago tonight! // Pray for Kim Potter, railroaded by a joke of a "judge" Regina Chu and jury of "heroes." Daunte Wright's "family" do a Tik Tok dance after the false conviction! // FUN CALLS: MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! // Hyphenated Ana Navarro gets nasty toward Trump supporters, blaming them for shutdowns and sickness. // Random lady feels sorry for separated "migrant" kids. // MAGA cartoonist Ben Garrison mocks Trump for pro-vaxx stance. // Hake explains unquantified statements to grown adults. //

MUSIC: Phil Hahn and Steve Johnson - "O Holy Night" and "Silent Night" - from album Songs of Christmas //

Josh from Georgia talks about the runaway trucker, the attack on men, and trucking life.
Richard from North Carolina says mainstream snakes bash Trump over the vaxx!
Mari from Vallejo, CA (not "Nadia"!) says it's CrazyMotherDance's b-day!
Mac B: Brandon from Oakland gives a great testimonial on JLP's message and prayer.
George from Manitoba, Canada has a bad Trudeau phone but a great Canadian accent.
Jim from Tennessee is all over the place.
Boomer Bob from Chicago, IL corrects James on Lufthansa airline's pronunciation.
William from California is not upset at true general statements, and says he's not angry.
John from Kentucky makes unquantified statements about white people, haha, what a mess.
Maze from Dayton, OH goes after William, calling him "fat"(!?), and wishes us a nice holy day.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/12/24/122421-fri-christmas-eve-with-hake-pray-for-the-persecuted-whites

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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